Inspiration Introspection

Hot Tub Like a Bro

Long ago, when I was in my teens and still living with my parents, I was hanging out with some friends who later dropped me off at my house. When I came to the door I realized I had misplaced my keys and no one was home. 

Cell phones had come out at this time but were not as ubiquitous amongst my peers. I, myself, rocked a pager and during this point of my life carried some spare change and knew the location of the closest payphone, so I hustled down the street.

My stepmom did have a cell phone and during this time period, people including myself would remember all the phone numbers of their family and friends rather than relying on their phones to keep a contact list. So I had no trouble calling her. 

She told me that my dad and she were at a party an hour away and that they weren’t going to hurry back but would probably return in two hours.

It was night, and even though I thought it might raise suspicion with the neighbors, I checked all the windows to see if one was unlocked. No dice. I was out by myself, alone in the dark. 

I hung out in the backyard twiddling my thumbs in the cold for what seemed like forever. If there was a book and a light, I would have been content to wait all night. I paced up and down the street for warmth and wondered if it would be okay to pester my stepmom again to see if they were leaving soon. But I was also wary of her ire. 

By the time they arrived home, I was kind of a nervous wreck, nose, and ears red and stinging from the elements.

Cut to a few weeks later. The same situation happens to my brother. Locked out of the house. Everyone was gone. No phone. In the dark. Alone.

He turns on the jacuzzi, gets in, and enjoys the night until our parents return.

I couldn’t believe I had sat six feet away from this aqua adventure and not thought to warm up and chill out. The hot tub had a cover over the top that was occasionally used for storage but it was kept warm in the winter. It was seldom used because no one wanted to get out of the warm water into the cold air to dry off.

Delilah will remind me of this story, letting me know when I need to think differently but also it’s a good lesson on using what is available to you even though you might not see an asset at the time.
So let my brother be an inspiration to you. What hot tub is there in your life you are overlooking today?

By Sam Watson

I'm pretty good at Microsoft Excel but a freak in Google Sheets.

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Martha Erb
Martha Erb
3 years ago

Funny… I loves your pics!

3 years ago

I always love this story! It reminds me to look for opportunities that are hiding in plain sight.

3 years ago
Reply to  Sam Watson

I think I might have done what you did, freeze and get annoyed. Though markedly more annoyed than you, because, well, we know why lol.

3 years ago

This made my day! “Weary of her ire”! 😂 That’s when you call your Dad, I did it all the time when I didn’t want to feel the wrath of my mom. Though I have 2 questions: 1. How did I not know about this? I feel it should have come up in conversation. 2. Which brother?, inquiring readers want to know!

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