Last weekend I took what my wife refers to as a “sabbatical”. For us, it’s just a time of being alone and relaxing away from the house.
I booked a hotel close to a bookstore and a movie theater. I spent a lot of time at both and ended up reading a ton of graphic novels and watching 3 movies.
Close to the end of my stay, I came to realize that I have been getting excited about the wrong things in life. There is really nothing wrong with this, it is more of a way to know you are growing into something new. Like a snake shedding its skin.
Think back to when you were a teenager and hanging out with friends or listening to music seemed like a better idea than homework. When I was kid video games were more meaningful than conversation. As a young man I couldn’t wait until the next time I could karaoke.
But these end up being phases. Right now I am reevaluating my life and I realize my health has been neglected. My job and favorite activities tend to be sedentary. Also, I am somewhat of a foodie and it seems like I eat out at least once a day. Plus I do get excited about cider and while not often do like to imbibe the spirits.
While I have known these are issues for a while it just started to become crystal clear this weekend. Then to further emphasize the point I was on a photoshoot with my co-worker and was a stand-in for a test shot. This morning he showed me what he was trying to do with the shot. While he was talking, I couldn’t focus on anything but the fact I had gained so much weight.
I have a strong desire to watch my son grow up to have children and really I plan on dying after my wife solely for the fact that I don’t want to leave her alone. But unless I start focusing on my health I doubt I will live the 70+ years in the condition I am hoping for or at all.
So Monday, I made amazing progress; I worked out and ate well. Tuesday was going well until we went to my nephew’s birthday party. My wife and I both said “eff it” and devoured a ton of pizza.
It is like an alcoholic going to a bar and thinking they can abstain. Maybe later on but you need to steer clear for a while.
One of the other things that struck me was last week, my boss asked about a co-worker and my weight loss challenge. When I mentioned it was nonexistent, he said, “You’ve gotta want it.”
That was probably what I thought about most over the weekend. The things you want to happen in your life are as simple and profound as “You’ve gotta want it.”