Quite some time ago, I created a signup form to become a pen pal with me. We had sold our house, and my son and I were on our way to Costa Rica for a few months. Later we would be meeting up with my wife in Colorado and then all head off to Hawai’i. Since I was bouncing around so much, and lacked a permanent mailing address, I engaged the services of a virtual mailbox that would scan and send any incoming letters to me.
While in Costa Rica, I wrote all twelve people who signed up a letter and included a drawing of Admiral Ackbar and myself. Just like the blog!
Postcards were sent from Costa Rica, Hawai’i, Iceland, Ireland, Greece, and Spain.
In a cost-cutting measure, I recently decided to axe paying for the virtual mailbox service.
It wasn’t because of the twelve people who signed up only three ever wrote back. Nor was the burden of ten dollars a month so much that I couldn’t keep up with it.
While a mix of those, the main reason was that I found it a lot to keep up with once I got back to work.
It’s weak, I know.
But hey, let me leave you with some of the solid gold that came from my first letter. The drawings!

A big thanks to everyone that signed up!
You might still get postcards from time to time. Who knows? And Alan and Phoebe, I know you hear it too often but I’m going to write back soon!
Sorry I never wrote back Sam! But I loved getting the Postcards!! Thank you for them, I hope to get more!!!
No worries! I’m pretty sure there will be some more postcards down the road.