Here is a story. Maybe a parable that you can use in your life.
So as many of you know Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain came out this Tuesday. I mentioned that I preordered the game and on Monday received a tracking code letting me know that it had been shipped.
Many times when you first get a tracking code it was generated by the company and not in the UPS system. Knowing this I waited patiently from the time I got the tracking code all the way to five minutes after I got the tracking code. From then on I checked every hour or so to know the progress of my preorder. When will I get that hot little game in my hot little hands?
I awoke Tuesday thinking the system will be updated and I will see that status updated and it will confirm my hopes of playing the game that Tuesday afternoon. I text my wife and told her to let me know when UPS shows up but still ended up checking every few hours for a status update.
A man I work with, full of wisdom and experience with the realm of pre-orders said, “Dude, you gotta preorder that 5#!t and have them send it to the store. Then you pick it up there.”
By noon I knew that was exactly what I was going to do. Buy that game and just return the one that was in the mail.
The point is, don’t let something hold you back from your dreams. You grab your destiny by the throat and shake it until you get what you want. Time is the most valuable thing you have and time playing Metal Gear Solid is one step above that.
Oh, snap, my brother just texted me that he made me a BLT! I gotta bike home now, TTFN!