My typical meal used to consist of going to Chipotle or I would eat super simple like an apple. We used to spend a crazy grocery bill and then have more spent on restaurants. In order to pay off our mortgage faster, however, we are trying to stick to a food budget of $200 a week. In contrast, in January my wife said we spent $1400 on groceries and $300 on dining out.
I am proud to say that for the month of February we spent $804 on groceries and didn’t go out to eat at all! Also, $4 of that was spent at Albertsons on Lottery tickets so technically we made our goal!
But a few weeks ago I had the urge to eat something amazing. The idea of filet mignon popped into my mind and I couldn’t shake it.
I typically don’t eat meat. I would get the chicken occasionally at Chipotle, sometimes would have a Carne Adobada at Gloria’s but we never really bring meat into our house. Never cook with it.
Like I said though I couldn’t shake the urge. I went to Whole Foods and asked for filet mignon. Grass-fed and Grass Finished. The butcher brought out this thing. I said, “Maybe 10 ounces?” He said 10 ounces is like this and put his thumbs about an inch apart. I said let me get two.
He starts cutting and wrapping and then throws this stack on the scale. It was 8 inches. Also, the price was FORTY BUCKS! My poker face slipped and I showed my surprise. I thought the butcher didn’t notice but I saw him smirking.
I brought them home and my brother and coated them with olive oil, salt, and pepper then put them on the grill. Around 5 minutes on each side.
Let me show you what fire does to meat:

Amazing right! I also made asparagus, mushrooms, onions, and garlic on a bed of basil and some butter. We had that with a Heavyweight Cabernet Sauvignon (The least expensive I saw) and finished with a Crème brûlée. It was seriously one of those death row inmate’s final meal requests, it was so good.
Right now at Central Market, they are having a Hawaiian fish celebration and last night I grilled Monchong. My wife picked it up with an asparagus risotto kit. It was delicious!
I know little to nothing about grilling fish other than it will easily fall apart, so I made a little sauce out of grated ginger, garlic, and coconut aminos, my fish went on a large piece of foil and I drizzled my sauce over it and added a few pats of butter. Google told me to cook for 8 minutes for every inch of thickness. Two frozen pieces stuck together looked like 2 and a half inches so 8 minutes flip, 8 minutes, check and it went for another 8 because it was still icy in the middle.
I took it out and added more butter and some chopped cilantro. It was great. We were almost all the way through with it before I remembered to take a picture.

Anyways, tonight is Baconfest at Central Market and I am going to be in hog heaven. Bacon Tortillas, Duck Bacon, and even Bacon Salt!