
Catch up post

I haven’t blogged in a while so I’ll catch you up to speed.

Basically, life consists of two things: playing Metal Gear Solid and the time I spend waiting until I can play Metal Gear Solid again.

I think my friend Nathan is the only one I know who understands this.

Inspired by my wife, I started to write a blog post about tips for newbies to set up a Magento installation on a dedicated server. Soup to nuts.

I imagine no readers of this blog will get anything out of it so prepare to skip that soon. But I do think that someone will get something out of it. Lord knows I wish someone would have written it for me.

We are doing great on paying off our mortgage. My lovely wife applied for a job at one of my favorite places in the world. If when she gets that job that should cut down the time dramatically.

I did learn recently that when you get married in Romania, they have the courtesy to cut the bride’s license in half so that they don’t wait 6 years to change their name. Pretty awesome.

By Sam Watson

I'm pretty good at Microsoft Excel but a freak in Google Sheets.

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