Really a lot has happened since my last blog post. But a very quick recap we left the beautiful island of Kaua’i and had many sweet neighbors give us their aloha as we left.
Straight Winging It

Really a lot has happened since my last blog post. But a very quick recap we left the beautiful island of Kaua’i and had many sweet neighbors give us their aloha as we left.
Really, I don’t like flying. I accidentally peed my pants once in elementary school and for years could not stand being in confined places where I couldn’t easily access a restroom. Nowadays, this only tends to affect me in that short window of time when you are seated on an airplane until the captain turns off the seat belt sign.
There was a lady I worked for that once said, “I wouldn’t want to speak ill of someone while they are not here to defend themselves.” The sentiment was very touching and profound to me… until a few minutes later when I recalled all the times she had talked bad about other people behind their backs. It was her stock and trade.
A few years after my Nana passed away, my grandpa started to get nostalgic. My grandpa, who we always called “Pope”, used to live in California and would talk about wanting to see the ocean again, and maybe dip his toes in the water.
Long ago, when I was in my teens and still living with my parents, I was hanging out with some friends who later dropped me off at my house. When I came to the door I realized I had misplaced my keys and no one was home.
Earlier today my Grandpa was telling me that he made it to 93. When I asked him what year he was born he told me, “1930. Why, what year are we in?” After telling him we were in 2021, he was frustrated and said people were always taking years away from him. I told him that with the Lunar year the Chinese would start with 1 when you were born, so that would get him to at least 92.
Many times on this blog I’ve mentioned my grandpa that lives in Costa Rica. As a child, he was kind of a hero to me. A larger-than-life figure and seemed like an older version of Crocodile Dundee with a little Indiana Jones mixed in. He was physically fit into his nineties and sharp enough to beat anyone at chess (unless you played him after his bedtime). The house he lives in is on a little slice of paradise with breathtaking views and nature all around. He whiles his day away coming up with inventions and reading.
September was a little hectic for me. Delilah has been acting as an extra on a tv show (which I am happy for her, just the timing is terrible), I was trying to wrap up everything at work before I left, and there was a myriad of issues to take care of while selling our house.
Many years ago, I would go to a real estate investors club in Fort Worth. It was where people who wanted to start real estate investing would go to learn and network with those who had been in it a little longer than they had. I met some amazing people and good friends, as well as learned from some very seasoned professionals. Some of it was like a whole other world to me, the clock-punching shmoe that I was.
Some time ago, a few of my good friends from SUCCESS magazine and I got together for lunch. I think it had been over a year since I had seen them, so it was great to reconnect. Misty even wore the “Sam Watson Official Fanclub” shirt (Japanese version) I made for her nearly a decade ago.