When I was a kid, my grandma would often take us to the library. One of my favorite books to get was the D’Aulaires’ Book of Greek Myths. I checked out this book over and over because it was so interesting.
Category: Work
The Co-Workers Curse
While in college, I worked for a few years framing pictures. Various coworkers would come and go, but another guy a little older named Kevin was also working towards a degree. We were the ones who did most of the work putting the frames together, cutting mats, and stretching canvases—the Workhorses.
So Commercial

First, this blog post is dedicated to my good friend and coworker, Israel Diaz. I’m sure I would not be writing about this today without him. Thank you, Israel, for all your skill and vision. You do great work!
The February Post

Welcome to what has become my, now, monthly blog! Soon to be semi-annual.
I had an interesting experience today. With the aspects of my job I never actually see customers only a few of my coworkers and some vendors that we have close working relationships with. Our office is pretty relaxed so I kick it in shorts and a t-shirt every day and my hair and beard have become somewhat grown out as of late. Imagine Tom Hanks in Castaway with slightly more clothes.
At work, some co-workers and I did a personality test. This one to be precise: http://www.quistic.com/personality-type/test. The results showed that I am an INFJ. Reading it I was thinking they nailed it on some things but for others, it didn’t feel right. My coworker read it and said it was totally me. Another lady in the office had the same profile and she said she researched our type and found out that it was the rarest, that only 1% of the population shared it. Funny that there would be two in one office.
Sam Watson Strikes Back!
Forgive me, readers, for I have sinned. It has been a while since I last blogged.
Where do I start? My son and I both celebrated our birthdays, I read a ton of books, went to several Central Market cooking classes. I learned to make pizza, pasta, and croissants, respectively.
I lost some weight and then gained most of it back (with help from the cooking classes).
How Bad Do You Want This Job?
Last Friday I posted a position for a Graphic Designer for our company. My duties as Web Designer/Developer/Graphic Designer/Print Department/IT Support proved ineffective and we had to make a change. First day back in the office and I’m trying to replace half of myself.
What was fascinating to me was being on this side of the interview process.
My Favorite Holiday
I am sure you could ask any child and they would tell you Christmas is their favorite holiday. As you grow up you might like Halloween and Easter. When you are older still you might get into some of the drinking holidays we have adopted from other cultures (Cinco de Mayo and Saint Patrick Day) but for me, the best holiday is April Fools Day.
Allow Me to Regale You with a Tale

Ah… Dear Reader, so we meet again.
Today I bring you a harrowing tale of tragic tribulations. Beware reading further. If you have a heart condition or faint easily it might be better for you to scroll through MLM ads on Facebook.

Many weeks I start without any idea what I will blog about on Wednesday. This week was no exception. But something fell into my lap so to speak.
By now, most of you have felt winter’s cruel bite. As of late, my office is no exception. To make things worse, our heater was out for part of the building and it was chilly.