
Mi Familia

On TV, in the movies, and in a few relationships I have seen, it seemed there was a love/hate (or tolerate/hate) relationship with the spouse and the in-laws. The mother-in-law would talk trash about the son-in-law or the daughter-in-law couldn’t stand the mother-in-law or whatever the combination.

Long before I started dating my lovely wife, Delilah, I was a part of her family. Maybe that part was just a third wheel, but I attended the monthly family gatherings, holidays, and such.

In my first year of college, I met my wife’s cousin and we were somewhat inseparable as he had no car and I would drive us around. He had a large, mostly hispanic family and they would invite me over for pozole or torta parties. 

Let me backtrack. Before I met her cousin, Delilah and I saw each other from across the room in our drawing class. 

She stalked my artwork wondering who could create such masterpieces. She had also seen my car, which my mom described as a small ice cream truck since it was white and covered in stickers, and thought she would like to meet whoever drove that.

While at the coffee shop my friend worked at I saw her approaching the door and said, “Oh, hey, this is the hot chick in my art class.” As she entered he said, “Let me introduce you to my cousin, Delilah.”

Years later at his wedding, his mom mentioned I should go talk to Delilah. My mom said I should go talk to her. Her sister said, “My sister likes you” I was like “Who is your sister?” and really perked up when she said “Delilah”. 

I always joke that it was an arranged marriage but it was pretty funny how integrated I was to the family and how both sides brought us together. 

The previous Sunday was Mother’s Day and it was so much fun, I thought it was Father’s Day. The in-laws and my nephew and nieces came over for a torta party. I made a blackened chicken that was a big hit with the carnivores. We had a few beers and played Skip-Bo and 5 rounds of Sequence. 

It is great to have a family you marry in, to be so accepting and kind to you. To not have the stereotypical relationship with my in-laws, that I actually enjoy to be around them, I feel really blessed.

By Sam Watson

I'm pretty good at Microsoft Excel but a freak in Google Sheets.

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3 years ago

Love hearing your background to your magical life. I always look forward to your post keep them coming. Thank you for staying in touch❤️

Erika Lee Kline
3 years ago

This was a great story, I was reading it wondering if you were laughing as you typed it. I miss your family! Soon I’ll have to come through and say hi 🙋🏻‍♀️

Lauren Knapp
Lauren Knapp
3 years ago

I remember the wedding- Myke and I rated all the young ladies and Delilah was the top one on the list!! We are so blessed to have her as our daughter in law!!! I feel very welcomed in all the large family get togethers too!!!

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