
The Choice

A few weeks ago, I sent out a Throwback Thursday email about the usefulness of libraries and asked for book recommendations. My cousin told me about the book The Choice: Embrace the Possible by Dr. Edith Eva Eger.

Reading the synopsis of the book reminded me of Viktor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning which I had read some time ago. Viktor Frankl wrote about his time in a concentration camp and the philosophies he came up with afterward, was moving but I found this book much more accessible. While in a similar vein I found Edith Eger’s book to be chalked full of emotion and loved the flow of the book.

I loved was how her story carried on past her time when the war ended, to reuniting with family, starting relationships, and having children, and showing how trauma can echo through someone’s life and the steps she took for it to not consume her.

Having read both books, it was also interesting to see the difference in perspectives between Viktor who went to the concentration camp as an adult trained in neurology and psychology versus Edith who went in as a teenager.

While reading, I found myself constantly trying to hold back from crying at the sorrow and joy I would experience from page to page. I couldn’t help but wonder what my wife thought when I read next to her; lip quivering, eyes shrinkwrapped in tears one minute, and then bursting out in laughter a few chapters later.

It is amazing to me, the steel people like Edith Eger can find in themselves during times of adversity and how important it is to find a purpose in life and how you choose to live. Finding your purpose will act as a buoy, and help you survive when you would drown otherwise. Making the decision to choose how you will lead your life and forgive those that have wronged you is how to decide your future.

I really can’t say enough about how much I enjoyed this book. I think it is a great read for anyone with trauma in their past, anyone with relationship issues… really anyone.

So much so that I am starting my first giveaway!

If you want to read this book I will send a copy to the first few people to fill out this form. I just ask that you read it, and then pass it on to someone you think could get something out of it.

By Sam Watson

I'm pretty good at Microsoft Excel but a freak in Google Sheets.

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Phoebe Ann Percell-DantesTaureau
Phoebe Ann Percell-DantesTaureau
3 years ago


2 years ago

I cant wait to read this book!

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