I like to gamify my life where I can. Duolingo is a big one. My Spanish might not have improved much but, wow, I stack those points. Another big one for me is my driving. Mainly where gas mileage is concerned.
The Thief of Joy

I like to gamify my life where I can. Duolingo is a big one. My Spanish might not have improved much but, wow, I stack those points. Another big one for me is my driving. Mainly where gas mileage is concerned.
When I was a kid, my grandma would often take us to the library. One of my favorite books to get was the D’Aulaires’ Book of Greek Myths. I checked out this book over and over because it was so interesting.
A few days ago, one of my coworkers was not really complaining about it but just telling me of her financial woes. She mentioned that she was down to her last few bucks—enough for gas until payday.
Age creeps up on all of us. It’s a tale as old as time. I never really cared too much when I started seeing wrinkles. A few sprinkles of grey made me look wise in my early twenties. Going completely grey didn’t affect me either. In fact, I had enough compliments and people calling me a “silver fox,” I thought it was a good thing. When the hairs on my cheeks turned white, I finally felt like I looked old.
We knew my dad was dying years before he passed away. He was scuba diving in Honduras in hopes of seeing whale sharks and had some heart issues. His body was failing him. He loved scuba diving more than anything. I always thought it was a tragedy that he didn’t see the whale sharks and never dove again.
We were at a restaurant the other day, and some people’s phones started going off. That it happened all at once, a few of us chimed in, “It’s an Amber Alert.” We talked about how the sound was annoying, and I said, “Wouldn’t it be great if you could change the ringtone for that?”
In my late twenties, my wife and I were taking some classes about investing in real estate. They told a story of how when you put one crab in a bucket, it could climb out on its own. But if you put more than one crab in the bucket, they would pull each other down if they attempted to climb out.
Last Thursday, my grandma in Costa Rica passed away. My brother and I saw my mom that evening to see how she was holding up. She was doing a lot better than I thought she would. My grandma had lived a long interesting life, so you could make the argument that it wasn’t as tragic as if someone younger had passed.
Last week, I wrote about expecting little out of others. You can’t expect others to see your viewpoint. Don’t think everyone will remember your birthday. Things won’t always go your way.
A friend from out of town and I were driving, and he hooked a thumb out at Taco Cabana and asked, “Is that any good?” I had such good memories of Taco Cabana back in the day. We don’t frequent it so much lately, but I remember loving the freshly made tortillas and chicken flautas. Loading up on cilantro from the salsa bar. Even their margaritas were surprisingly good.