
Keepin’ it real

So I totally failed on my goal of not eating wheat for the year. First I ate Sun Chips not really thinking about what grains might be in a multigrain chip. But then Delilah and I went to King Spa and I deliberately ate a dumpling that came as a side to my order.

From there it spiraled out of control. Today ordered a sandwich like it was nothing. Mom if you are reading this (which I doubt you will) I totally let you down as your accountability partner on the wheat-free year.

In other news, I started my son watching the Star Wars movies. I figure it was about time for him to become a man. No more coddling.

I watched X-Men: Days of Future Past tonight and now I have no desire to blog. Therefore, I bid you adieu.

By Sam Watson

I'm pretty good at Microsoft Excel but a freak in Google Sheets.

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Jennifer Chang
Jennifer Chang
10 years ago

Did you know that Jessica’s neighbor was the actor who played Quicksilver in Days of Future Past? I thought his portrayal was pretty amazing.

BTW, Livingsocial has Castle Spa vouchers for a limited time! Just started today, I think. So now you can try both competing Korean-style spas! 🙂 I prefer Castle Spa, but my parents like King Spa more.

Sam Watson
10 years ago
Reply to  Jennifer Chang

Whoa I will have to check that out!

Quicksilver was one of the only good things about DOFP.

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