At work, some co-workers and I did a personality test. This one to be precise: The results showed that I am an INFJ. Reading it I was thinking they nailed it on some things but for others, it didn’t feel right. My coworker read it and said it was totally me. Another lady in the office had the same profile and she said she researched our type and found out that it was the rarest, that only 1% of the population shared it. Funny that there would be two in one office.
Author: Sam Watson
I'm pretty good at Microsoft Excel but a freak in Google Sheets.
Me and My Lump.

Hey, what’s up? Long time, no blog! Anywho, I had a story that I figured I would write down for future generations or whatnot. Some things to know. First off, I am lucky enough to work super close to my home. Second I leave said home pretty early in the morning. Also, I am an avid reader of graphic novels and a huge fan of the public library. Enough backstory, let’s dive in!
Here is a story. Maybe a parable that you can use in your life.
So as many of you know Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain came out this Tuesday. I mentioned that I preordered the game and on Monday received a tracking code letting me know that it had been shipped.
Many times when you first get a tracking code it was generated by the company and not in the UPS system. Knowing this I waited patiently from the time I got the tracking code all the way to five minutes after I got the tracking code. From then on I checked every hour or so to know the progress of my preorder. When will I get that hot little game in my hot little hands?
Sam Watson Strikes Back!
Forgive me, readers, for I have sinned. It has been a while since I last blogged.
Where do I start? My son and I both celebrated our birthdays, I read a ton of books, went to several Central Market cooking classes. I learned to make pizza, pasta, and croissants, respectively.
I lost some weight and then gained most of it back (with help from the cooking classes).
No Ragrets

If I had any advice to give someone, at any age, it would be to follow your dreams. Life is too short not to.
But the second, which really is the rubber-meets-the-road, actionable, support system to the first is that everything in life is negotiable. “You don’t get if you don’t ask” has been a philosophy that has opened amazing doors for me.
How Bad Do You Want This Job?
Last Friday I posted a position for a Graphic Designer for our company. My duties as Web Designer/Developer/Graphic Designer/Print Department/IT Support proved ineffective and we had to make a change. First day back in the office and I’m trying to replace half of myself.
What was fascinating to me was being on this side of the interview process.
Reflecting back on all that I have learned in Costa Rica. First off is that I have the coolest boss in the world for allowing my family and me to do this. I also have the most wonderful wife for facing her fears to shake up her life and leave her comfort zone for an extended period of time. Without further ado here is a quick list of things I learn or relearned on this trip
My Spirit Animal

Recently I had the amazing opportunity to visit a sloth rescue center on our way to Puerto Viejo. First, we saw the famous sloth Buttercup and she was scratching herself at a normal speed. Not in the molasses-slow way you think a sloth would move at all. That was the start of all my preconceived notions of sloths being wrong.
Fun Times in the Big City
I realized something about myself (not for the first time) that the people I like the most are usually those that laugh at my jokes. What is even better is when you find people that can joke along.
One Month Working From Costa Rica
“Is there anything you miss from Texas?” my wife asked.
“Hmmm. Maybe Central Market. Pink Lady Apples. Cider from BJ’s.”
“So… just food.”
“Well, I would like to see my mom and brother… once again. Before I die.”
Our first month here has been amazing. I have so much more hope for the future. Getting out of your daily routines is the best thing you can do for yourself. A week does not cut it. It was almost two weeks before I could just breathe. Maybe I am wound tighter than some, I don’t know.