Inspiration Positivity


The other day our bathroom flooded and it got “stuff” everywhere. One of my coworkers actually cleaned up the water even though he was a highly paid executive.

It made me think back to a man I worked for who said, “I would not ask an employee to do something I wouldn’t myself.”

These guys are both inspiring to me because this philosophy displays a humbleness that is rare in today’s world. We live in a country full of entitled people and I am thankful for those who don’t think they are better than anyone despite how much they are compensated.


The Path to Hell is Paved with Unsaid Intentions

Check this out. Two weeks ago my wife and I were at Home Depot. This girl with a clipboard noticed we bought a tube of caulk so naturally thought we should get a FREE in-home estimate from one of their remodelers. While my wife was giving them our information the lady asked when would be a time we would both be available. I know how to speak “hard sell” so told her we would not be making a decision on the same day.

Nature Work

Don’t Get Fresh With Me!

Many weeks I start without any idea what I will blog about on Wednesday. This week was no exception. But something fell into my lap so to speak.

By now, most of you have felt winter’s cruel bite. As of late, my office is no exception. To make things worse, our heater was out for part of the building and it was chilly.


You’ve Got the Touch!

Hey, I hope everyone went out and voted today for a libertarian candidate so we can break the tyrannical two-party system that we have in our country.

Enough of politics! What I came here to talk to you about today was creating affirmations. Basically, no matter how strong-willed you are, you will be influenced by things in your life. The real idea is why not sit down write down what your life to be like, what values you aspire to have, and then brainwash yourself repeating these things.

Growth Work

Publishing Beats Perfecting

One thing I have learned is that getting something out quicker is usually better than waiting until it is perfect.

Case in point. My current company wanted a website. They had worked with a few companies to get them a site for almost a year without much luck. I mentioned I could get a site going pretty quick and cheap using a template and perfect it from there. We tested it but gave it a hard date to be launched knowing that we could fix bugs along the way.

It took a month to go live and the owner’s exact words were I feel like a kid at Christmas.


Oh, What a Lady!

The last few weeks I have been hitting it hard at work. First the company website, we set a go-live date and made it. Second, was designing all the Black Friday and Christmas ads for the newspaper and mail inserts. This week I thought I would slow it down and set up a server so we could share files and that too is eating my lunch. All this on top of side jobs. Ugh.

So forgive me for not posting last week (you should get the cookies tomorrow fellow bloggers), and I apologize for mailing this one in…

Sometimes you only miss something once it is gone. This is certainly the case for me and one of the loves of my life, the Pink Lady apple.


Smooth Operator

My wife recently asked me to do a 21-day green smoothie challenge with her. The only rules were drinking 32 ounces of a green smoothie per day so I was in.

Mainly we have made the smoothies at home but, on occasion, we will go to Pure Cafe or Jamba Juice. It is really no big deal to replace a meal with a smoothie. At 32 ounces you won’t feel hungry and it is probably better for you than what you were going to eat. So I suggest you give it a… wait for it… whirl.


Like a Boss

As a man, I do not think there is a finer compliment, than the one you receive right in front of your wife.

A little back story; I recently asked my boss if I could work in Costa Rica for a while. He said he would sleep on it and the next day said yes.

Life is amazing and I never thought that would be able to happen. I seriously thought that kind of thing could not work in the “real” world. We should all take a lesson from this and realize you can have pretty much whatever you want out of life and everything out of life is negotiable. It is a lesson that I am continuously having to learn over and over.


Out of Control!

Okay, I was just three paragraphs into a rant when I realized I could be writing something truly positive and uplifting this week that might inspire whoever should happen across this blog.

I will, however, keep the same title since it is generic enough and fits in a weird way.

“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.”


This quote has been amazingly accurate in my life up to this point. But I do feel like your faith in good things happening in your life and the willingness to accept opportunity when it comes along to create more opportunities for you.

Growth Inspiration

A Moment of Clarity

Last weekend I took what my wife refers to as a “sabbatical”. For us, it’s just a time of being alone and relaxing away from the house.