Last week my wife and I watched Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story. Bruce had come to this country and felt out of place and rejected by American society. We then talked about our own childhood experiences of rejection and how we dealt with them in different ways.
My mom always likes to tell people about how, when I was in third grade, I asked her what the meaning of life was. She seemed so proud that her boy was thinking such deep philosophical thoughts at such a tender age.
Last week, my 3-year-old son and I were at the kitchen table and he asked me “Why are we here?”
Today I bring you a harrowing tale of tragic tribulations. Beware reading further. If you have a heart condition or faint easily it might be better for you to scroll through MLM ads on Facebook.
Last week I asked my boss on a whim, “What is the secret to success?”
The next day he came to me and said there is no success in success, the two worst things for someone is to give up their dream or to realize it. Success is in the journey.
The other day our bathroom flooded and it got “stuff” everywhere. One of my coworkers actually cleaned up the water even though he was a highly paid executive.
It made me think back to a man I worked for who said, “I would not ask an employee to do something I wouldn’t myself.”
These guys are both inspiring to me because this philosophy displays a humbleness that is rare in today’s world. We live in a country full of entitled people and I am thankful for those who don’t think they are better than anyone despite how much they are compensated.
Hey, I hope everyone went out and voted today for a libertarian candidate so we can break the tyrannical two-party system that we have in our country.
Enough of politics! What I came here to talk to you about today was creating affirmations. Basically, no matter how strong-willed you are, you will be influenced by things in your life. The real idea is why not sit down write down what your life to be like, what values you aspire to have, and then brainwash yourself repeating these things.
Okay, I was just three paragraphs into a rant when I realized I could be writing something truly positive and uplifting this week that might inspire whoever should happen across this blog.
I will, however, keep the same title since it is generic enough and fits in a weird way.
“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.”
This quote has been amazingly accurate in my life up to this point. But I do feel like your faith in good things happening in your life and the willingness to accept opportunity when it comes along to create more opportunities for you.
So in my last post about “How to Be a Decent Human Being” many of you thought I didn’t go far enough. Sure I covered things like don’t murder, don’t steal, don’t lie but I received some comments about how I really just ripped off the Ten Commandments.
So here are some additional steps you can take today to be better than a decent human being.