Lately, I have been hitting up the theater a bit more and there have been ad spots promoting short runs of classic films. When I saw one was The Big Lebowski I thought, “Wow I would like to see that again.”
A Love Note From Tinseltown

Lately, I have been hitting up the theater a bit more and there have been ad spots promoting short runs of classic films. When I saw one was The Big Lebowski I thought, “Wow I would like to see that again.”
My lovely wife told me another mind-blowing, life-changing piece of advice this last week.
Many times I concern myself with how future negative events might unfold. You might also know this as worrying.
I totally missed blogging last week. The last of the accountabilibloggers to miss. Another common thread in our blogging bond.
It is not without its price, however. Thanks to, I was able to send the required sacrificial baked goods to the rest of the crew.
Today I received a text from Chipotle saying I was a grand prize winner. 20 free burritos.
Yesterday (at Chipotle) the cashier runs to meet me as I leave and gave me a card for a BOGO burrito. “Because you’re always here.”
It doesn’t stop there. Not to brag but my life is full of win. I think I mentioned in the last year I was given two invitations to Farm Team which represented 2 t-shirts and some 20 or so free burritos. Plus many times the managers at Chipotle just comped my meal. But it doesn’t end there.
So I caught a cold and am spending even less time on the blog than last week.
Quick hits:
Okay, it’s not really an employee of the month but it’s the quickest way to explain it and what I am feeling inside.
We have this thing at work called the Path to SUCCESS. Once a quarter a few people win or are told they meet all these characteristics that embody what we represent as a company. But there are prizes and $200 bucks and an exciting getaway at the end of the year.
Ok. True story.
Once upon a time I was in my backyard saw a bird chirping some distance away. I called out to the bird. He flew to my finger and chirped and flew off.
Amazing right? This only happens in fairy tales where Snow White has a pure heart.
I was going to write about something else this week but I started throwing stuff away in my garage and came across these discs of pictures. Most of the pics were from around 2003ish at the height of my karaoke days.
While I feel that the phase of life I am currently at I get the most enjoyment out of, the times I spent at karaoke were some of the funnest.
So this isn’t really about taxes, it just starts out that way.
My taxes have been crazy for the last few years.
I was in real estate investing and in the big picture, it was an amazing thing my wife and I did. I worked from home for a few years and could go on vacation on a whim.
This last Friday I was walking back to the office and saw a fortune from a fortune cookie laying on the sidewalk. What it said shook me to my core.
Soon you will have to modify your plan.
Don’t worry, it will be good.
Fate has been poking at me for a while and this time it kind of slapped me in the face.