
Letting it go

Last week my wife and I watched Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story. Bruce had come to this country and felt out of place and rejected by American society. We then talked about our own childhood experiences of rejection and how we dealt with them in different ways.


A Friends a Friend Who Knows What Being a Friend is.

Last week I attended the going-away-party of one of my closest friends at SUCCESS, Jennifer Chang. I made the hike all the way up to Denton during what became an almost 3-hour lunch break.

It’s a shame that Chang won’t be around anymore.

But it was great seeing the old crew again. However, when the inevitable goodbyes came, there was the inescapable, “We should get together again sometime.”


My Not So Secret Love For Snake

If you aren’t into video games… well, it’s about to get nerdy. Let me tell you about something near and dear to my heart.

Metal Gear Ad

When I was a kid my grandma bought me a box of comics. One of the ads was for a video game that was unlike any other I had ever seen. I was used to Mario where you jump over turtles. Maybe Contra you could use a few different guns sure, but this had binoculars, hazard suits, mine detectors… how could you ever have time to use all these objects. The closest I had come to this much complexity was Boy and His Blob and I still haven’t found out what all those jellybeans did. Plus that image totally ripped off from Terminator? Still, it was the coolest thing I had seen.


Son of a Preacher Man

My mom always likes to tell people about how, when I was in third grade, I asked her what the meaning of life was. She seemed so proud that her boy was thinking such deep philosophical thoughts at such a tender age.

Last week, my 3-year-old son and I were at the kitchen table and he asked me “Why are we here?”

Inspiration Work

Allow Me to Regale You with a Tale

Ah… Dear Reader, so we meet again.

Today I bring you a harrowing tale of tragic tribulations. Beware reading further. If you have a heart condition or faint easily it might be better for you to scroll through MLM ads on Facebook.

Growth Inspiration

Thoughts for a New Year

Last week I asked my boss on a whim, “What is the secret to success?”

The next day he came to me and said there is no success in success, the two worst things for someone is to give up their dream or to realize it. Success is in the journey.


A Year in Rearview.

So here I am looking back at 2014. I didn’t do any of the things I set out to do. But maybe that is just as well.

I did, however, create almost 50 blog posts, went half of the year without eating wheat, and started painting my house. I also changed jobs so was able to cut my interaction with the person I was consistently saying negative (if true) things about. The co-worker in question was the reason I set the goal in the first place so it worked out well.


Star Wars Hoodie

Okay, I have become the master of mailing it in lately… and this post will be no exception!

I was going to write about absolute truth and how no one around me seems to understand the concept (or maybe I explain it poorly), however, I will talk about Star Wars. Specifically relating to apparel.


The Opposite of Deli-icious

I like to think I have a lot of gratitude.

If my grandma gets me white socks for Christmas, totally cool with that. If given a book that I didn’t really care to read, it’s the thought that counts.

But recently we have had catering at the office and the one thing I can not stand is Jason’s Deli. I can not fathom how people swear by their mediocre food.


TV Casualty

A year or so ago (maybe 3 years, not much research goes into these blog posts), we made a conscious decision to get rid of the TV’s that were in our house. I wasn’t allowed to watch TV much as a kid but was able to waste most of my teenage years playing video games. So screens are a mixed bag for me.