
TV Casualty

A year or so ago (maybe 3 years, not much research goes into these blog posts), we made a conscious decision to get rid of the TV’s that were in our house. I wasn’t allowed to watch TV much as a kid but was able to waste most of my teenage years playing video games. So screens are a mixed bag for me.


The Path to Hell is Paved with Unsaid Intentions

Check this out. Two weeks ago my wife and I were at Home Depot. This girl with a clipboard noticed we bought a tube of caulk so naturally thought we should get a FREE in-home estimate from one of their remodelers. While my wife was giving them our information the lady asked when would be a time we would both be available. I know how to speak “hard sell” so told her we would not be making a decision on the same day.

Growth Work

Publishing Beats Perfecting

One thing I have learned is that getting something out quicker is usually better than waiting until it is perfect.

Case in point. My current company wanted a website. They had worked with a few companies to get them a site for almost a year without much luck. I mentioned I could get a site going pretty quick and cheap using a template and perfect it from there. We tested it but gave it a hard date to be launched knowing that we could fix bugs along the way.

It took a month to go live and the owner’s exact words were I feel like a kid at Christmas.

Growth Inspiration

A Moment of Clarity

Last weekend I took what my wife refers to as a “sabbatical”. For us, it’s just a time of being alone and relaxing away from the house.


Whose house…? TREEHOUSE!

I am coming up on my one year anniversary of being on Treehouse. For those not familiar with Treehouse, they have a series of videos to teach you how to work online. From coding HTML, CSS, PHP, and java to creating iPhone and Android apps to starting and marketing a business and even what all the tools and their hotkeys are in Adobe Illustrator they have it covered.


The Challenge of the Super[Work]Friends!

So I just started a weight loss challenge with my coworker. We weighed in today and we were within 2 pounds of each other.

I love my job but they have free snacks. I’m used to having access to Oreo’s maybe every 1 to 3 months but since I have been back from vacation it has been Nabisco-fest.


Achieve a Better Work/Wife Balance

My wife made a really insightful comment the other day that really made me think. It went like this, “What is weird is you find the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, and then you get a job and spend most of your day away from that person.”

And it is true. Or for me it was. Most days I would start the morning kiss my sleeping wife around 7:30 and then go to work. I would get home around 6:30, spend a few hours together then collapse around 10 or so.

Sure we had the weekends together but it always seemed like it wasn’t enough.


Keepin’ it real

So I totally failed on my goal of not eating wheat for the year. First I ate Sun Chips not really thinking about what grains might be in a multigrain chip. But then Delilah and I went to King Spa and I deliberately ate a dumpling that came as a side to my order.

From there it spiraled out of control. Today ordered a sandwich like it was nothing. Mom if you are reading this (which I doubt you will) I totally let you down as your accountability partner on the wheat-free year.


Like a dream…

I started a new job this week. Among the many perks, I can wear shorts to work! Long have I chaffed at having to wear pants to the office and now I can cast off those denim shackles and let my calves be free!

Yesterday I walked to work. It took 45 minutes. I walked to Fuzzy’s for lunch, a mere 10 minutes away. Hitting every red light it would take 8 minutes to drive home. My commute has become the thing of which dreams are made of.


I’m going through changes!

Big change since last week!

Last Thursday I received an email from CareerBliss with a job posting a walkable distance from me. I told Delilah and she said, “You have to apply!”